If the PA wrote this letter below and SPH published it in the Straits Times:
WE REFER to Mr Muhammad Yusuf Osman’s letter yesterday (‘Advisers to grassroots bodies should be elected MPs’).
The mission of the People’s Association (PA) and its grassroots organisations (GROs) is to bond the community and connect people with the Government. PA and its GROs serve all residents regardless of their political affiliations in fulfilling their role.
Grassroots advisers are appointed by PA, a statutory board. Besides connecting people to people, grassroots advisers are required to help the Government connect with people and help promote government policies and programmes such as anti-dengue and active ageing.
Hence, the Government has to appoint grassroots advisers who support its programmes and can play this role well. Opposition MPs cannot be expected to do this and thus cannot become advisers to GROs.
Ooi Hui Mei (Ms)
Corporate and Marketing Communications
For Chief Executive Director
People’s Association
Oh my god, I can't believe this came from the PA director! You may want to want to seek help on how to write an appropriate response! & definitely with more thought before publishing. Lol -_-"