Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year Resolutions =)

Time really flies! Another year has gone and we are now in the 8th day of 2012. It's always good to start afresh with new things to look forward to & strive for. The 1st step is to make new year resolutions ;)

My resolutions for 2012 will be:

- To loose at least 5 to 10kg. This one is hard, but it has been my new year
resolutions like, forever -_-" I figured I need to really put effort into it. I'm
not gonna lie that this year it'll realise, but I'm gonna try to make it so ;)

- Learn how to play the piano/keyboard. This one too has been my new year
resolutions for so long! But this year it's cool, I'm already in arrangements to
start lessons ;)

- To tidy up the house! Hmm...this one's really hard too...I haven't really tidy the
house form like....ahem~ nevermind :p So in 2012, I'm gonna tidy it up to make
room for the keyboard I bought last year -_-", to hang all the pretty MJ posters
I've bought :x, and to repaint the room(s) ;)

- Start YouTube videos/channel =) I thought this is a great way to share and work
towards what you are really passionate about! So 1st I need to get a HD camera &
learn how to make videos =)

- To strive to be more mature, more objective & less reactive, more detailed,
careful & meticulous. And also to learn to be more patient, and care more for
others! =)

That's it! Hope that by the end of this year when I write again, all these resolutions have been realised! =)

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