Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Quater Finals tomorrow

Tomorrow evening will be my quarter finals for Plasma KTV singing competition...I hope that my sore throat will be okay by then man...always likdat...when the competition draws near things likdat happen lol -_-"

I'm the 1st to go! Hope that eveything goes well =)

加油! ;)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dr Martens' golden boots - 1 more :p

Yesterday I bought another pair of Dr Martens low cut boots...golden again :p I didn't intend to get it, it's just that me and my friend happened to stumble across the shoes section in Tangs while we are shopping and found that Dr Martens boots are on 20% sale! Good deal ;)

My friend actually wanted to get a pair...while waiting for her I tried on a pair too haha...and I couldn't bear to take it off thereafter...it's just irresistible :p And so after much though I bought another pair again...

So now I have 3 pairs of brand new Dr Martens' boots shiny series....and still loving it ;)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

JJ's back in Singapore!!! =D

JJ's back in Singapore today!!! He's performing at the Marina Bay Sands opening celebration concert =) Got to know when I was watching the 6.30pm Ch 8 news just now =)

Miss him much much...dunno when is the next time I can meet him in person again =(

But from now till then, JJ san ganbatte ne!!! =D

And MJ's 1st death anniversary is coming soon in 2 more days...How fast, it's been a year...I miss you very much too MJ...you're always in my heart ='(

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"She's out of my league"

Just watched this movie yesterday night. Surprising it's not bad! Besides the corny jokes, this movie actually depicts many realities in life, although the ending is, well, unrealistic.

There are many losers in this world. And many a times we'll feel that we are one of them and feel just like crap. We'll feel that we're just not good enough for anything or anyone. But hey, all we need sometimes is just a little more confidence and little less inferiority!

This movies tells of a story where a 10/10 hot chick has her eyes for a 5/10 loser guy. Unbelievable at first of course, especially with his surrounding friends putting him down all the time, telling him that it is not possible between him & the girl, and that the two of them will never last. He is just not good enough to have her.

How many chances does a loser stands to own a hot chick? One in a million? Yes it may be so, but hey, one in a million is still a chance! And you may be that one in a million ;) All you need is to find the right person, and that lucky one may be you!

And as much as you can guess, the loser guy ends up with the hot chick till the very end ;)

Crap? Watch for yourself! I think another point worth mentioning is that in this movie, ever so often we find it too familiar that it is our closest friends around us that put us down all the time when something good befalls upon us! When all we need at that point in time is a little encouragement and confirmation! Yeah it's sad, but it's true. Why? Those whom we call our closest friends do not want us to live well and have good things in our life? Is it because they are jealous of what they cannot have? Or are they really your close friends to start with?

Something to think about...and maybe redefine our meaning of "close friends"...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Another day has gone

My god, today is terrible. The headache seems reluctant to leave me -_-" Dunno what's wrong really. Pillow? Changed. But still it's giving me headache. And recently I just felt more tired than ever, no matter how much I slept. Gosh. I hope this will pass soon =(

Hark Music's 实在歌手 course is starting on 4th July 2010. Looking forward to a whole new experience ;)加油!

Going to watch Toy Story 3 3D tomorrow! Yeah! My favoutite Woody! Miss him! =X

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Quarter Finals for Plasma KTV Pub Singing Competition

I got through to the Quarter Finals for Plasma KTV singing competition =)

Quarter finals will be held on either 30/06/2010 or 07/07/2010 in the evening, still at Plasma KTV pub ;)

Come support me if you can!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Plasma KTV Pub contest tomorrow =)

The qualifying round for Plasma KTV Pub contest is tomorrow at 8pm! Come support me if you are free! ;)

Plasma KTV Pub
48B, Prinsep Street, #02-01, Prinsep Place, Singapore 188679

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dad, I'm sorry ...

Yesterday morning I said something I didn't mean to. I just can't stand my mum constant nagging, till scolding, till screaming ....

You wouldn't understand what's it like to live in this house. It's insane. I hate it totally. I really do. But I have to live with it. I just dun understand her. It's the same thing everyday! Maybe dad just can't get the phlegm out? Maybe he really had difficulty doing it and not because he purposely don't want to spit it out? Who would do it on purpose in order to get a nasty scolding anyway? Only the perverted will do that! My gosh. And please, dad is not like any normal person!

And I just can't stand it. For godness sake please! It my Saturday morning off finally (I don't have to work) and I just wanted some peace and rest! Why does she has to start nagging and screaming everyday once you are awake? And sometimes even when you are still sleeping! What's all these for? I'm dying to get her to shut up and leave me with silence! And so I said it. I said it when I came out of the bathroom. I said you are really noisy! Can you not start scolding once you are awake? And she said we don't know how difficult and hard it is to look after dad. And in a slip of my tongue I retorted: "Then just dun care about him!"

There was immediate silence thereafter. Until I went out of the house.

I got what I wanted - silence. But my mind was not peaceful at all. I didn't mean to say that. I really don't. Of course I care about you. You are my dad! But please dad, if you really appreciate our love and care, then please strive to stand and walk again! Don't just sit down and wait to be served all day, or just sleep all the time!

I'm sorry dad. Although I didn't tell you that. Although I didn't try to explain myself after I said it. But that's just me. Im not used to doing all these in this household. And also because I know it's pointless. But I just wanna say I'm sorry ok...