Monday, July 26, 2010

One Million Star VII Audition - Singapore

Yesterday was Tawain's One Million Star VII audition at City Square Mall. Me & 4 of my Ocean Butterflies classmates went for it. Arranged to meet at 7am, so I had to wake up at 4.30am -_-" Super tired lol...In the end I'm the 1st to reach Farrer Park MRT station, & the only one to reach at of them are late lor =( Kaoz, I could have slept more -_-

When we reach the venue, quite surprised to see that not many people are there. There were just less than a hundred auditionees sitting around waiting for the barrier to be opened for queuing. I thought many people would have started queuing overnight! Luckily we didn't went there the night before!

Many people started to practise singing at McDonalds just beside the audition venue. We started queuing at around 9 I think...all the way until 11am, where FM 100.3 start the registration...only. I got no. 081 =)

Audition is supposed to start at 2pm. Before that was a guest performance by Sugie Pan, a past contestant in One Million Star. Cai Ai Jia was there as well, though she din perform, and look aloof all the time >_<

Dun remember what time I sang on stage...1.45pm ba maybe...the process was super fast man! Each auditionee is supposed to have 30 seconds on stage to perform, but the 2 judges just *ting* most of us down within the 1st 3 sentences of the chorus we sang -_-" One of the girls was superb! She got directly chosen by the judges to get through when she auditioned on stage. No. 29 I think...So lucky...but she's good lah haha... ;)

The whole audition ended at around 6.15pm...and results were announced directly after at 6.30pm....11 lucky and awesome auditionees got through...who will have the chance to participate in Tawain's One Million Start this coming September...Jia you girls, way to go! ;)

Hopefully in the next big audition, I'll be one of them! =)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Regaining my lost voice

The past few days have been like hell. My throat inflammation got so bad that I lost my voice. For almost 5 days I spoke barely more than a few sentences each day. And my throat hurts badly. It just got worse each day.

I've seen the doctor 3 times for the past week just for my sickness. First for my throat, then it got more and more inflamed, then I developed flu, and today diarrhoea -_-" What's happening to me man...and the scary part is, whatever medicine I take, it doesn't seem to heal me!

And I refrained from eating and drinking almost everything except pure water, honey, vegetables and fruits. It was really a terrible experience. I've never been so afraid of losing my voice as this time. All the while when my voice was lost, I was thinking, what if I don't heal and my voice remains this way?? I don't want!

And I missed my singing lesson last Saturday cause I have no voice. And the flu is killing me -_-" Sunday I went for the Hark Music lesson, but I couldn't sing. The feeling is really crap lol =(

And I just don't understand why, instead of being empathetic, some people can just joke about it! Can't they just put themselves in my shoes how painful it is? Especially when singing is your passion? Or keep on telling you to try to perform when you have no voice? How?! That's just so exasperating! I was angry!

Luckily my voice is back today! Thank god =) And I lost a little weight too :p

My. I don't ever want to go through this ever again man......